Friday, July 18, 2008

klippothic residuals

Excerpts from a pre-marketing era hacker :-j

Turn Off Your Television!!
by L. Wolfe

Like his fellow brainwashers, Becker prides himself in knowing the minds of his victims. He calls them "saps." Man, he told an interviewer, should be called "homo the sap."

As Emery explains: "We are proposing that television as a simple constant and repetitive and ambiguous visual stimulus, gradually closes down the central nervous system of man."

Becker holds a similar view of the effect of television on American's ability to think: "Americans don't really think--they have opinions and feelings. Television creates the opinion and then validates it."

Such an important matter as choosing a president becomes the same as choosing a box of laundry detergent: a set of possibilities, whose limits are determined, by the images on the screen. You are given the appearance of freedom of choice, but that you have neither freedom nor real choice. That is how the brainwashing works.

"Are they brainwashed by the tube," said Becker to the interviewer. "It is really more than that. I think that people have lost the ability to relate the images of their own lives without television intervening to tell them what it means. That is what we really mean when we say that we have a wired society."

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